Saturday, August 16, 2014

New Printables

It is the middle of August already. Where has the time gone?? I have been enjoying my summer this year. For the first time in several years I have not had to do homework--YEA!! On the flip side, however, I still do not have a position as of yet.

In the meantime, I have been working on some printables. I have two ready so far. Many more in the works and planning stage. Here is the first one. I love this one. I like monkeys and bananas. They are so cute. UPDATE (9/14/2014)-- this one has been updated with add features.
 With this one, the child has to determine where the sound of the letter Mm is in the word. There is a corresponding mat that they will put their banana once they figure out where the /m/ is. There is also a worksheet to record the number that is one the banana.

 The next one is another one of my birthday poster printables. This one has cupcakes instead of the owls. It did not take quite as long to make but just as cute I think.
I did the cupcakes a little different this time. I put a label on each one so that the child's name can be put on the front and be seen. They were so colorful that I did not think that just writing on it, anyone could see their name. If you purchase it and would like it removed, just let me know.
If you want to see the Owl Themed Birthday posters and what they look like, just go the blog archives and choose August 7th of 2013. WOW!! Did not realize it had been a year since I made the owls. Time flies--no pun intended--LOL.

That is it so far. More to come later.

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  1. Thank you so much!! They were a blast to make. This to me was a lot better than baking cupcakes. I am not into baking or even cooking for that matter--HA Don't get me wrong--I like to eat them just not bake them. Too much of a mess to clean up.

    Again, thanks! Come back again for a visit!!


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